Out of eight multimedia systems developed for the Tenth Presentation on Ancient Greek art and civilization, that took place at Gotanda DNP Building in Tokyo from February 1st to September 1st 2013, three are fully implemented in the permanent collection of the Department of Greek, Etruscan, and Roman Antiquities in the musée du Louvre in Paris since September 14, 2014.
This Department, where such emblematic works as the Vénus de Milo or the Winged Victory of Samothrace are exhibited, is home to the most visited Greek art collection in the world. The multimedia displays installed here aim at helping the numerous visitors coming from a variety of social and cultural become familiar to Greek art, by giving them useful hints on the geographical and historical context or on how to identify visually the various Gods in the Greek mythology by their attributes.
Since they were made available to the public, the displays have been sucessful in attracting many visitors wishing to take full advantage of them to better understand the artworks.
The Greek World in Antiquity
The history of the ancient Greek world spans over a thousand years and covers a vast geographical area extending beyond the borders of present-day Greece. The many artistic centers of the day produced dynamic and innovative art.
Serving as an introduction to Department of Greek, Etruscan, and Roman Antiquities, the display was set up at the route start. There, a four-minutes animated map gives key dates and locations to help the visitor encompass Greek art.
Greek Gods and Heroes
Installed in the Vénus de Milo gallery, one of the most visited area of the Louvre attracting some 6 million people a year, this display provides visual information to identify Greek gods and heroes by their distinctive features and attributes. What has been learned on the interactive screen showing Greek sculptures from the Louvre collection is immediately applicable in front of the original artworks exhibited nearby.
The Krater of Antaeus, a Masterpiece of Greek Ceramics
Designed as a digital mediation tool to discover the Krater of Antaeus, a masterpiece of Greek Ceramics, this display is the first multimedia system ever integrated in a Louvre showcase. By interacting freely on a touch panel with a 3D image of the artwork, the visitor has access to explanations and high definition details, inviting him to check for them on the original work. Art lovers highly appreciate this in-depth discovery proposal, just as it had been the case in Gotanda.